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10th Edition of International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders

October 21-23, 2024

October 21 -23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA
INBC 2024

The myth and mystery of a brain disorder: Neurobiology & behavior research is transforming current treatment protocol and methodology of suicide prevention protocols

Speaker at Brain Disorders Conference - Tammy Kling
Scientific researcher, United States
Title : The myth and mystery of a brain disorder: Neurobiology & behavior research is transforming current treatment protocol and methodology of suicide prevention protocols


Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States yet historically, scientific inquiry has focused on psychological theory. Brain research image studies reveal significant differences in GMV (Gray Matter Volume) in the bilateral MFG across patients with suicidal attempts and behavior. A study of adolescents with suicidal ideation (SUl) showed increased activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dIPFC) compared to healthy controls.

Future studies will offer more clarity on the neurobiology and structure differences in suicidal brains. Advances in Neurobiology and Behavior Research utilizing advanced technology, AI and groundbreaking approaches will dramatically improve outcomes, and impact previously understood perceptions about brain illnesses through the discovery of significant links in the structural and neurological pathology in the brain of suicidal humans. Previously viewed by the general public as mental not physical illness - new technologies and brain research will radically shift the treatment and prevention of such brain disorders.

Changing theway we treat brain disorders: The World Health Organization global burden of disease study places depression amongst the 10 leading medical causes of disability in the world, second to heart disease. Depression is classified as a mental disease yet advances in brain research could potentially modify this classification to treat the physical causes of structural or neurological brain abnormalities. Depressive disorder is a long term, relapsing condition associated with high levels of disability and mortality. It has a neurobiological basis and is associated with functional and structural brain abnormalities. However, these are often overlooked by the general public, non scientific community, which still classifies suicidal ideation as a mental illness to be treated with talk therapy. Low CSF 5-HIAA is also associated with more lifetime impulsive aggression. Other biological factors include a diagnosis of ADHD with a comorbidity of emotional dysregulation - which renders some unable to modulate emotions. Will advances in neurobiology and behavioral studies lead to solutions in the prevention of structural and neurological brain disorders previously classified as mental health, such as suicide? Suicidal ideation begins in the brain, a physical organ, and ideation is a historical marker for completion. Statistics show that most individuals who have had ideation and completed it, have had these thoughts for 3-5 years on average.

Audience Takeaway Notes:

  • The pre frontal cortex is a critical factor in suicidal ideation and emotional dysregulation and there are neurochemical abnormalities in the suicidal brain.
  • PET studies indicate abnormal metabolism in the prefrontal cortex of impulsive murderers compared to healthy humans which would suggest the need for deeper study of structural and biological abnormalities in impulsive individuals.
  • Receptor abnormalities exist in suicidal post mortem receptor-binding studies which indicate abnormalities in the ventral prefrontal cortex of patients who committed suicide.
  • Post-mortem study of suicide victims found that serotonin neurons are increased but are smaller and oddly-shaped, suggesting a developmental defect.
  • Cell Alertations: Studies combining AI and neuroscience will unveil new discoveries and prevention tools for brain disorders including suicide.
  • The emergence of neuroimaging techniques, brain organoids, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET) and functional fMRI combined with many other areas of study will change the way the medical community treats suicidal ideation.


Tammy Kling is a TEDx speaker, science researcher, author and healthcare writer who works in crisis management and suicide prevention. She has written several scientific articles and books, and received her undergraduate degree from the University of Florida, before embarking on a career as a professional Crisis Management Leader in aviation working airplane crash settings and DNA collection with a certificate in Abnormal Psychology from Harvard. Kling has been published in medical journals and feature in the national news media 27 times on suicide prevention and the root of abnormal psychology with the promise of new discoveries on the horizon.
