Dear Conference Attendees,
It is an honor and great pleasure to write a few welcome notes for the session entitled “Oxygen-ozone therapy and cognitive frailty: a non-pharmacological approach to potentially resolve immune and inflammatory dysfunctions”.
Cognitive frailty and more or less disabling neurodegenerative diseases are configured as a crucial issue for our social health system as we are witnessing an increase in the average age of the elderly population, Italy is the second country in the world for longevity after Japan and, the WHO, by 2050 in the world 1 every 5 people will be 60 years or older.
Neurodegenerative diseases do not only affect the elderly, but they can also affect younger people such as Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis, compromising their quality of life and their future.
Thanks to scientific research, a new hope has opened up in the field of regenerative medicine and in the treatment of these neurodegenerative diseases and is represented by ozone therapy.
In the more specific sphere of neurodegeneration and cognitive frailty, this recent study, conducted by me and my team of researchers from Fatebenefratelli di Brescia in collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and the EBRI European Brain Research Institute (EBRI)
I) Rita Levi-Montalcini., highlighted the ability of oxygen-ozone to activate the processes of regeneration and repair of cells at the neuronal level, representing an absolute innovation in terms of cell regeneration.