Dear conference participants and visitors,
Dear conference participants and visitors, I am honored to offer these brief notes of welcome for you concerning my presentation.
Functional Seizures (FS) [also known as Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES)] are involuntary paroxysmal episodes that are frequently misdiagnosed and mistreated as epileptic seizures. Many patients with FS have a history of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or other traumatic experiences. Cultural influences, a family code of silence, or a personal sense of shame may inhibit patient communication about their overwhelming experiences.
FS is a communication disorder in which distress is expressed somatically in a pathological way instead of an adaptive and verbal manner. A seizure-like event may provide distraction from an overwhelming situation or experience but at a terrible cost to the patient. Narrative Medicine (NM) is a communication therapy that engages and integrates the patient’s life story and overwhelming experiences through interactive conversations and writing exercises. NM helps patients work through the biographical disruption of their condition that threatens their coherent sense of self. NM helps patients communicate more effectively about unspeakable distress and discover a narrative antidote to the communication disorder of FS.