Prof. Antonio Carlo Galoforo graduated in Medicine and Surgery in Brescia, one of the most accredited experts in oxygen and ozone therapy, of which he has been a member of the Scientific Society since 1992. Head of oxygen ozone therapy at excellent polyclinics where he works daily and contact person for the Lombardy Region for hearings on the use of ozone in medicine and the environment. Speaker at various national and international conferences. Author of numerous national and international works, Master Professor in oxygen ozone therapy at the University of Pavia and Unicamillus International Medical University in Rome. He is reference person accredited by the WHO for studies relating to the use of Ozone for Buruli Ulcer treatment; Founder and President of O3FORAFRICA Onlus; Head of Oxygen Ozone Therapy of Affidea Italia Centers and Bianalisi Group; Academician of European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations. Winner of two Research Projects from Minister of Health
Title : Oxygen-ozone therapy and cognitive frailty: A non-pharmacological approach to potentially resolve immune and inflammatory dysfunctions