HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

10th Edition of International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders

October 21-23, 2024

October 21 -23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA
INBC 2024

Taekwondo as a transformative treatment plan for mental disabilities and disorders

Speaker at Brain Disorders Conference - William Breska
University of Central Florida, United States
Title : Taekwondo as a transformative treatment plan for mental disabilities and disorders


The application and study of combat sports and martial arts can be found throughout human history. From the development of wrestling in Greece over the course of millennia to the 1950s and the development of taekwondo in Korea, martial arts are a cornerstone of human development and history. What this work proposes is that martial arts can become an effective form of treatment for those struggling with mental disorders and disabilities. The study conducted will involve 20 school-aged children (7-12 years of age), of mixed gender, with a diagnosed mental disorder or illness, and will have no martial arts experience. Two groups will be created, a control group of ten and a second group of ten that will actively participate in the classes; assignments to each group will be randomized. At the start of the research, a questionnaire will be given to the students to fill out, each week they will fill out the same questionnaire until the conclusion of the study (those in the control group will be asked to do this as well). Additionally, an introductory questionnaire will be given to the guardian/parent, and one given after the program. The conclusion of the study will culminate in a belt testing ceremony for the children involved in the courses; an evaluation of skill and promotion to the next belt ranking. The data collected will be analyzed to determine if there is a higher positive correlation between those participating in the taekwondo classes and those in the control group.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The struggles of those with mental health disorders and disabilities
  • Martial arts is a multifaceted form of sports and art that can be a supplemental treatment plan for those with mental disorders and disabilities
  • Though this study is relatively short(3 months), noting a successful positive correlation at the end of the study could lead to longer-term research(exceeding 3 months) that will further validate the benefits
  • Those struggling with disabilities(especially the neurodivergent), could benefit from multiple forms of treatment in addition to the standard treatment programs they would go through


William Breska is a psychology undergraduate student and researcher at the University of Central Florida. He has been an active researcher at the University since 2021 and is currently a researcher at the Institute of Social and Behavioral Science. He has a paper in the process of publication for the implementation of positive psychology in the American prison system. He has been working on his thesis proposal/poster “Taekwondo as a Transformative Treatment Plan for Mental Disabilities and Disorders” since 2022, under the mentorship of UCF professor, Dr. W Steven Saunders.
