HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

10th Edition of International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders

October 21-23, 2024

October 21 -23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA
INBC 2024

Post-COVID 19 vaccination gullian barre syndrome: The doctor being the patient

Speaker at Brain Disorders Conference - Nahom
FelgeHiwot Referal Hospital, Ethiopia
Title : Post-COVID 19 vaccination gullian barre syndrome: The doctor being the patient


The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented impact on global health, affecting millions of people worldwide. In effect to tackling the devastating outcomes of the disease, the development of vaccines was the primary focus of health researchers worldwide. Thus, a few brands of vaccines were introduced. These vaccines saved millions of lives but were not without minor side effects. Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) has been reported in some cases. In the presentation, the author will share his experience with post-COVID-19 GBS, AMAN subtype, and how it affected him both as a physician and a patient.

The author was working as an intern at Bahir Dar University during COVID times when he received the Astra Zeneca vaccine. After 45 days of receiving the vaccine, he started showing his first GBS symptoms. The author will discuss the events preceding the disease and how it began with symmetrical weakness from the lower extremity to involve his upper extremity in 11 days. He also had classic areflexia bilaterally and a motor examination of initially +4 to drop to +3 progressively. The author will also discuss the findings of the nerve conduction study and MRI result and the cytoalbuminogenic dissociation observed in the CSF analysis.

It will also be described in the presentation about the recovery process and how physiotherapy played a vital role in regaining his strength. The author will discuss the step-by-step stages he took to recover, emphasizing the importance of physiotherapy in GBS recovery. It will also be highlighted how much care and compassion are essential for patient recovery, in addition to the actual medicine and treatment. 

The author's experience as a patient gave him a unique perspective on the impact of care and compassion on recovery. Being admitted to the ward where the author used to treat patients with GBS had a physical and psychological toll on him. Thus, the author will discuss emphasizing the importance of empathy and support for patients and how it can help them recover faster.

Albeit living in an African nation where many diagnostic investigations aren't readily available, he had the fortunate instances to have instruments like NCS and MRI with the best physicians and fellow colleagues in helping reach a diagnosis and in the recovery process. Thus, the author would also highlight how national and international cooperation is needed to address the issue of poor infrastructure in his home country and throughout Africa.

Finally, the author will discuss how after one year of being diagnosed with the disease, he is dealing with minor physical symptoms like tremors and paresthesias and how he deals with them as a patient and a healthcare professional.

In conclusion, the author's experience with Post-COVID-19 vaccination GBS provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by patients and healthcare professionals. This sheds light on the ongoing research of post covid 19 vaccination-associated GBS and how recovery should be dealt with. 

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The presentation will be a valuable reference in the ongoing discussion of whether it is beneficial to administer IVIG to mild cases of GBS contrary to withholding and letting it run its natural course, as it was done in this case.
  • The presentation will also address the need to have a common understanding among healthcare professionals administering the vaccines about disclaiming some potential side effects, including GBS. In doing so, if any unwanted outcomes are seen, they could be halted and dealt with at their earliest.
  • The audience will learn about a doctor's personal experience with Guillain-Barre Syndrome, including the events preceding the disease, symptoms, and recovery process.
  • The audience will gain insights into the challenges faced by patients with post-COVID-19 vaccination Guillain-Barre Syndrome. Healthcare professionals can use this knowledge to improve patient care and recovery outcomes.
  • The presentation can raise awareness about the impact of care and compassion on patient recovery, increase empathy and understanding towards patients encourage healthcare professionals to prioritize patient-centred care. Additionally, the personal experience shared by the author can inspire others to share their experiences, leading to more comprehensive research and teaching in the field.


Dr Nahom Fisseha studied at Bahir Dar University, one of Ethiopia's 5 top Medical schools, and graduated in 2022 with a Doctor of Medicine. He interned at the University Hospital for over a year before graduating. He then was certified with Ethiopian Health Care Workers Licensure and continued to work at Community Boosting Organization, a local NGO, as a clinician treating patients. After that, he joined the public service at Felge Hiwot Hospital, leading the Internal Medicine Department, as a General Practioner. In compliment to his work at a young age, he has been awarded many certificates from different organizations.                                                                           
