Title : Long-range dependence of EEG signal during the early stages of alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s is a cognitive degeneration, analysed using Hurst exponent (HE) parameter, also called a long-range dependence parameter. HE is computed based on the time-domain measure of the electrical activity of the human brain. The electroencephalogram (EEG) healthy controls and mild cognitive impairment-Alzheimer's disease (MCI-AD) patients are estimated both under resting and mental tasks. Pre-processed EEG signal using simultaneous low pass ?ltering and total variation denoising algorithm is employed for nonlinear time-domain analysis. Larger values of HE were observed in the right brain hemisphere for MCI-AD patients indicated a decrease in the irregularity of the EEG signal under mental arithmetic tasks.
Keywords: Alzheimer’s Disease, EEG, HE, Resting and Cognitive Tasks