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10th Edition of International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders

October 21-23, 2024

October 21 -23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA
INBC 2024

Rana El Dash

Speaker at Neurology Conferences - Rana El Dash
Heliopolis University, Egypt
Title : Correlation between latino ethnicity and length of hospital stay in patients with major depressive disorder


Background: Length of hospital stay (LOS) is the time between admission and discharge. Several risk factors can influence the LOS for psychiatric hospitalized patients, their compliance for psychiatric medications, pharmacogenetic guiding and other variables. Ethnicity can affect the LOS by altering the response to medication in hospitals. The crucial demand of reducing the length of stay is directly affecting the cost associated with longer stay, besides, decreasing the risk of inpatient acquired infections, and finally will increase efficiency of the system. We investigated the association between being Latino and the LOS in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder.

Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, which is a secondary data analysis using the CYP-GUIDES randomized control trial. The cases where n=382 in Latino arm versus n=1117 in the control arm. Inclusion criteria included all ethnicities and both gender, other variables were excluded. Cases and controls were both matched for ethnicity with a 1:3 ratio on the exposure prevalence. Pearson’s chi square was used for analysis besides, subgroup analysis was performed to adjust for age and gender. Data on ethnicity were collected from the participants at the time of admission using electronic medical records. Data were analysed by STATA, with Odds ratio and 95% CI and P-Value.

Results: The mean LOS was 138 hours, values greater than or equal 138, were defined as a long hospital stay and values less than 138, as a shorter stay. Chi square result was (P-value of 0.00). while the logistic regression results were: OR for Latino ethnicity was 0.596 (95% CI 0.47-0.75), (P-value=0.00) thus, decreasing the LOS by almost 50%. After adjusting for age, gender, OR= 0.60, 95% CI (0.47-0.76), (P-value=0.00) for Latino ethnicity, OR=0.976, 95% CI (0.96-0.98), (P-value=0.00) for age, which was approaching to one and, OR=0.715, 95% CI (0.58-0.88), (P-value=0.002) for being female which is almost have an 30% reduction on the length of stay.

Conclusion: In hospitalized in patients with major depressive disorder, Latino ethnicity may affect the length of hospital stay to be shorter. however, other variables like age, gender can influence the results. Thus warranted a further randomized trial examining the ethnicy variations and its effect on major depressive psychiatric disorders in specific and on other illnesses in general.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The main message of this presentation is the personalized medicine goal. The link between the ethnicity, pharmacogenetic and the different response from different people accordingly.
  • This will help the audience in their jobs to consider the ethnical origin of the psychiatric patients in their prescriptions.
  • This research will defiantly open a research opportunities and collaboration for working in this crucial point.
  • This research provided a practical point to consider in hospitalized patients in the psychiatry yard.
  • It will help in the improvement and enhancing the efficiency of the system by limiting the cost and enhancing the outcomes.
  • We as authors looking for a research collaboration opportunity to work in this field as it is, as mentioned above, has a fundamental role in improving the personalized medicine goals.


Dr. Rana El Dash is mid-junior Assistant Lecturer, working in the faculty of pharmacy, Heliopolis University, specifically in pharmacy practice department. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences in 2014 with high honors from Misr International University. Additionally, she received her master’s degree in 2021 from Ain Shams university in clinical pharmacy. She is currently doing her PhD from Ain Shams University, besides, completing a six-month certified degree program from Harvard University in clinical research.
