HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Baltimore, Maryland, USA or Virtually from your home or work.

10th Edition of International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders

October 21-23, 2024

October 21 -23, 2024 | Baltimore, Maryland, USA
INBC 2024

Application of AI and computational approaches supporting new generation healthcare aiming at prevention with focus on gender differences

Speaker at Brain Disorders Conference - Erwin L J Roggen
ToxGenSolutions BV, Netherlands
Title : Application of AI and computational approaches supporting new generation healthcare aiming at prevention with focus on gender differences


ToxGenSolutions is a biotech company focused on developing novel and innovative methods to drive the discovery of impactful and personalized early-stage diagnostics and therapeutics with focus on prevention of chronic disease (Alzheimer’s disease, pain syndromes and long-COVID).

By leveraging AI and computational approaches, ToxGenSolutions applies the vast existing knowledge of scientific literature as the framework of the development of Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs). Together with novel studies of clinical samples, epigenetic markers, in particular, microRNAs, are linked to environmental exposures and plugged into the different Key Events of the AOP as potential predictors of disease initiation.

Minimally invasive sampling (blood plasma, tears, interstitial fluids, urine) are applied to verify the preclinical potential of these epigenetic biomarkers in neurodegenerative diseases, and a variety of chronic and rare diseases with impact on the brain, connecting the underapplied and fragmented information of academic literature with verification studies performed on human clinical samples in collaboration with University hospitals and blood banks. The obtained epigenetic profile is powerful enough to be able to diagnose the disease of interest with increased accuracy and in a minimally invasive, preclinical manner while addressing the overrepresentation of women in a multitude of chronic diseases by incorporating gender differences. Most importantly, the preclinical focus of this diagnostic approaches extends the therapeutic window of its associated disease, with which ToxGenSolutions creates novel opportunities for therapeutic discovery, approached by an in silico drug discovery system able to identify novel drug targets for which disease modifying compounds can be found.

This research is placed in an animal-free framework which is also incorporated in future toxicity and efficacy studies making use of highly detailed 3D brain models, incorporating different types of cells, able to mimic the in vivo resemblance of a human brain making use of Novel Approach Methodologies. With this innovative perspective, ToxGenSolutions runs at the forefront of a computation-driven approach resulting into novel diagnostic approaches as well as novel therapeutic opportunities able to engage severe high-impact pathologies that are notoriously evading treatment from a new perspective.

Audience Take Away Notes:

  • The presentation will demonstrate how an animal-free strategy based on existing human data compiled using AI and structured in knowledge graphs provides information that can be used for developing preclinical diagnostic tools, new drug targets and potential new drugs.
  • This applied strategy was developed due to the high failure rates observed in drug development based on animal experimentation due to lack to translation to humans.
  • The strategy provides detailed mechanistic information concerning genes, pathways and processes initiating pathologic processes and driving disease development.
  • Focus on prevention, early treatment as well as gender differences, i.e. New Generation Healthcare.


Erwin L Roggen holds a PhD in Biochemistry (B) with extensive expertise in protein chemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, and cell biology. He has 35 years of experience working within industry (Novo Nordisk, Novozymes).

He founded 3Rs Management and Consulting ApS (DK), promoting application of mechanism-based human relevant novel approach methods (NAMS) for risk assessment, co-founder of SenzaGen AB (S), specialized in cell-based solutions to identify skin and respiratory sensitizers, assuring sustainability of the Sens-it-iv GARD platform (on stock market in Sweden), co-founder of ToxGenSolutions BV.
