Neurovascular disorders involve abnormalities in the blood supply to the brain, leading to conditions such as ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and cerebral venous thrombosis. These disorders can result in acute neurological deficits and long-term disabilities, underscoring the importance of rapid diagnosis and treatment. Recent advancements in endovascular surgery and neuroimaging have revolutionized the management of these conditions, allowing for more precise interventions. The role of inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction in the development of neurovascular disorders is an area of active research, offering new potential therapeutic targets. Additionally, understanding the interplay between vascular health and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s is helping to illuminate new strategies for prevention and treatment.
Title : Novel important cellular responses, signaling mechanisms and therapeutic options in vascular dementia
Yong Xiao Wang, Albany Medical College, United States
Title : The role of beliefs, perception, and behavioural patterns in the evolution of psychophysical disorders
Ken Ware, NeuroPhysics Therapy Institute and Research Centre, Australia
Title : Missed warning signs – ruptured cerebral aneurysm in a young, healthy woman
John Zakhary, Geauga Medical Center, United States
Title : Narrative medicine: A communication therapy for the communication disorder of Functional Seizures (FS) [also known as Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES)]
Robert B Slocum, University of Kentucky HealthCare, United States
Title : How have we eliminated infection: From the bone to brain ?
Thomas J Webster, Interstellar Therapeutics, United States
Title : Mimicking Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) via minimally invasive chemo-genetic manipulation of the subthalamic nucleus shows a recovery in parkinsonian behavior in rat models
Nassim Stegamat, Temple University, United States