Title : Rogue Percepts = Rogue Responses: What Are the Possible Sets of Initial Conditions That Give Rise to Willis-Ekbom Disease - Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), And Can RLS be Therapeutically Pacified? - A NeuroPhysics Therapy Study and Hypothesis Based Upon Observations and Outcomes -
The human central nervous system (CNS) fundamentally does something elegant and simple and is programmed to abide by some simple sets of rules and initial conditions. Fundamentally, the CNS takes in and perceives information coming in from the outside world and responds to it. However, the keyword here is ‘perceives’. Human perceptions of same environmental information may vary significantly from one individual to the next and therefor psychophysical responses may also vary significantly between numbers of individuals who are all having the same environmental experience as each other. The onset, incubation and manifestation (OIM) of psychophysical disease and disorder (PDD) involves, Perception, Action and Cognition. Through this lens we investigate the sets of initial conditions that could be playing a strong role in the OIM of Willis-Ekbom Disease - Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), a condition that affect at least 5% of the general population. And can RLS be therapeutically pacified?
This presentation will include case studies of patients who presented with chronic RLS and who were able to systematically calibrate their CNS and accomplish pacification of their RLS in a very small time frame via NeuroPhysics Therapy
Note: Whilst RLS has been selected as the concerning psychophysical condition for this keynote presentation, the perception, action and cognitions rules are the same for the OIM of all psychophysical diseases and disorders, many of which are reaching almost epidemic proportions, with most people who are suffering from a PDD having no family genetic history to refer to as a root cause. Besides, referring to genetic inheritance as a root cause for the OIM of psychophysical diseases and disorders can only reach so far as there is no reason to speculate that a person will become a world champion athlete simply because one of their parents were. Genetic inheritance should work across all human conditions, good, bad or indifferent and we know that this is not the case.
Keywords: Central Nervous System, Environment, Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS, Perception Action & Cognition, Psychophysical Diseases and Disorders, Sets of Initial Conditions, Calibrate, NeuroPhysics Therapy