Title : A system-wide retrospective cohort analysis of the development of psychiatric conditions following concussion
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the development of clinically diagnosed anxiety or depression within one year following a minor traumatic brain injury (mTBI).
Design: A state-wide hospital system (Ochsner Health) retrospective cohort analysis
Setting: This study investigates the development of clinically diagnosed anxiety and/or depression within a set one-year time period following mTBI.
Participants: 2,960 patients presenting to the Ochsner Health system between 2010 and 2020 with clinically diagnosed mTBI and developed a psychiatric condition (including all mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders). Patients had no psychiatric conditions prior to mTBI.
Outcome measures: Development of anxiety and/or depression, according to ICD-10 criteria.
Main Results: Of the 2,960 mTBI patients, 90 (3.04%) developed diagnosed anxiety alone, 60 (2.02%) developed clinical depression alone, and 112 (3.78%) patients developed both anxiety and depression within one year of mTBI.
Conclusions: Our findings provide further evidence of the development of psychiatric conditions within one year of mTBI, and outline the importance of the psychiatric aspect of brain injuries.
What will audience learn from your presentation?
• This study provides insight into the psychiatric risks following concussion injuries that physicians must be aware of
• This study provides proof for the development of anxiety and depression within one year of minor traumatic brain injury, further supporting evidence from prior studies.
• This study indicates the important of a psychiatric workup following brain injury, and caution when treating only the physical symptoms of concussion.