Title : The klotho protein and Alzheimer’s interrelation
Nowadays Klotho protein (KP) is actively researched by scientists but in the textbooks. There is a strong proof of KP biological functions in protection of the myelin sheath from damages and the reduction in synthesis of KP during the age. In the medical literature, there is a lot of information about KP functions, however relatively a few found about Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and KP. We want to make an assumption about the correlation of KP and AD based on the relevant information.
This study included articles from Cochrane library, PubMed, NIH, etc. In order to find out appropriate publications and for the conceptualization of theory keywords such as "Klotho protein", "Alzheimer", "neurodegenerative process", "age-related diseases" were used.
81 articles were studied and 6 (7 percent) of them were selected. Most of them were about klotho protein related to renal and cardiovascular diseases. It means that interaction the KP and AD were studied not well.
In order to be confident that KP influences on the myelin sheath, we need more evidence with human biological materials. We consider that KP could be a biomarker of neuron defects and useful in Alzheimer’s therapy. Therefore, there is a necessity of the more detailed research of KP on the genetic, molecular, cellular and clinical levels.