Title : A BTBED child with Comorbidity of Cerebral Palsy, the Cyst of the Corpus Callosum, Parenchymal Cyst, Epilepsy and Cardiac Disease: About an Observation
Motor impairment of cerebral origin is a syndrome that induces a reduction in activity, the origin of which is brain injury or a non-progressive and definitive abnormality occurring in a developing immature brain. Motor disability, spastic, dyskinetic or ataxic, is often associated with sensory, cognitive, sensory and behavioral disorders with or without epileptic disease. View of accidental discoveries of corpus callosum abnormalities, most often asymptomatic or associated with psychomotor retardation, epilepsy, neurological disorders or cardiomyopathy, a high technical platform must be available for its diagnosis. We report in this communication a child we call BTBED (back-thigh-bed). 7-year-old boy followed at the neuropsychiatric center Joseph Guislain of the Brothers of Charity of Lubumbashi in Congo (DRC) since 2016 for generalized tonic-clonic seizures, in whom the diagnosis of cerebral palsy on cyst of corpus callosum and in the right parietal lobe, as well as cardiopathy was posed during its consultation in September 2017.