Maryam Farhang is psychologist interested in positive aging . She aims to design and evaluate psychosocial interventions based on mind-body medicine such as yoga and mindfulness and providing support for developing cognitive and physical function of elderly people with cognitive impairment that can be incorporated into Chilean health services and develop proof about how to support a successful aging. She is working as a research professor at Universidad de Las Américas, Also she have been a postdoc researcher at Department of Psychiatry and mental health, Hospital Clínico- Universidad de Chile as well as Millennium Institute for Research on Depression and Personality (Midap)- Universidad de Católica de Chile, with funding that I obtained from a CONICYT Grant (Fondecyt Postdoctorado nº: 3190275) to continue developing her research on "Adaptation, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of yoga based mindfulness intervention (YBM) versus Psycho-educational program for older people with MCI'.¨
Title : A pilot study to examine the impact of Yoga-based mindfulness intervention (YBM) for older people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)