Hyun Im Moon is a graduate of Korea University College of medicine. I trained in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the Korea University Medical Center and was board certified in rehabilitation medicine. I started working at Bundang Jesaeng General Hospital. My practice specialized in the neurorehabilitation and electrodiagnosis. My interests also include neuroimaging analysis and prediction of prognosis of brain injured patients such as stroke, TBI. My recently published articles were as follows; “Lesion location associated with balance recovery and gait velocity change after rehabilitation in stroke patients”, “Periventricular White Matter Lesions as a Prognostic Factor of Swallowing Function in Older Patients with Mild Stroke”, “Sonography of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome According to Pathophysiologic Type: Conduction Block Versus Axonal Degeneration” and so on.
Title : Culprit Lesions Responsible for Impaired Visual Perception in Post-stroke Patients