Martin Egerth is a Product Manager Human Factors Training at Lufthansa Aviation Training. As apsychologist and human factors expert, he manages Lufthansa’s entire portfolio of human factors andsecurity trainings for the aviation industry and also for external industries.During his ten years at Lufthansa, Martin has developed, overseen and conducted trainings that havedeveloped the skill sets of pilots, flights attendants and non-flying staff. From basic trainings, to recurrenttrainings to management trainings for Lufthansa and external airlines, he has trained over 8,000 flyingstaff.Martin has also founded a human factors working group comprised of 26 European and internationalairlines that meets annually to exchange CRM best practices, discuss how to avoid incidents andaccidents, identify the influence that culture and safety culture has on CRM and develop CRM for thefuture.
Title : Why we need more than technical and procedural competencies in themedical industry to improve the team and patient safety